More than just a survey provider
Specialists in 'point of experience' feedback, We Love Surveys focus on the moments of truth in any experience that prompt a feeling. We capture those feelings as they happen for the benefit of your business and your future customers, colleagues and patients.
We provide you with tools, experience and support making sure that any feedback you collect allows you to take action positively.
From our innovative everyday employee engagement solutions to our focussed customer experience surveys, we are here to be your business partner and to help you achieve your goals whatever they may be.
Everyday Engagement
We firmly believe in the power of your people. We also believe that you should be engaging with them as much as you do your customers, after all they are delivering the service!
Work with us to engage your colleagues everyday - its much easier than it sounds!
Simple yet effective
Different from customer research we offer a way to keep in constant contact with your customers by using shorter, pulse surveys.
Extremely useful for local managers and their teams, our insight helps them keep informed. Any decisions are made with real knowledge rather than guesses.
fft and more
We have been delivering patient feedback solutions since 2006 so are well versed in what works and what doesn't.
Whether its the Friends and Family Test that you need to capture or more detailed patient feedback, we can definitely help.
We are great but don't just take our word for it
“We are getting on really well with the Buzz Boxes and they have made our lives so much easier. The computerised scorecard provides instant feedback, which is easy to collate and analyse.
”I see the Buzz Box remaining a key part of our long-term strategy as we begin deploying them across other sites.””
“We have been using the Buzz Box technology for some time and love that the simplicity of the tool encourages regular engagement with our people. This technology helped us to move our ENPS rating up by 29 points and that was a great result for us!”
“We find the software flexible enough to make overnight changes that can be uploaded to devices in the field for use the next morning. Our sales personnel find it easy to use and our customers like how they receive an immediate email confirmation about their purchase.”